- Exercise 1 - Bridging: This exercise is a fantastic way to strengthen your lower back, hamstrings and glutes. Depending on the issues with your lower back, you can do this exercise 2 different ways. With articulation (rolling up one vertebrae at a time) or with a flat back (lifting your body in one long line). Both are excellent and serve different purposes. If you feel any discomfort, please stop immediately. (I'm going to sound like a broken record on this, but it's for your own good, to keep you safe.) Start by laying on your back with your heels in line with your hip bones. Your heels should be one footprint away from your bum.
- Articulation:
- Exhale to wheel your pelvis back, pushing your lower back into the mat to lift your hips.
- Next, continue exhaling, push your belly button into the mat to lift just your lower back.
- Continue pushing each part of your spine down as you lift your hips one vertebrae at a time.
- At the top, your ribs will melt down like a triangle point. Your upper back (above the bra strap) will remain heavy. Try to feel a push/pull sensation, lifting your hips up as you melt your chest down. Your heels will feel as if they are pulling back as your knees reach forwards, over your toes. Keep all 4 corners of your feet heavy during the exercise. Inhale to lengthen even more before rolling down.
- To roll down, pretend you have a rubber band attached from your bum all the way towards your heels. Keep the rubber band stretched as long as possible as you slowly melt your upper back down, your middle back, and finally your lower back onto the mat. At the very end, release the rubber band and start over. Repeat 4 - 8 times.
- Flat back:
- Engage your stomach as if you had a corset wrapping around your torso.
- As a unit, lift your hips up, keeping your chest melting down into your stomach.
- Feel your knees reaching over your toes at the top, same as in articulation.
- To come down, simply lower the spine as a unit. Repeat 4 - 8 times.
- Variation: Lift one leg towards your chest or long to the ceiling, whatever gives you the best ability to stabilize your hips.
- Lift and lower your hips as a unit maintaining that stability.
- Repeat on both legs 4 - 8 times. Feel free to simply lift a toe off the mat if lifting the leg isn't working. Try to keep your bridge looking the same as if both legs were still down.
- Exercise 2 - Single Leg Circles: This is a great exercise for creating hip stability, stretching your IT bands (outer thighs), and abdominal/oblique engagement. Depending on your back issue, this may feel better with the standing leg (the leg that's not circling) bent instead of outstretched. This exercise can be done with many levels. I like to do all of them, since each one prepares you for the next element of difficulty. It's a bit counter-intuitive, but the work isn't meant for the circling leg, it's meant to challenge your stable leg. Start by laying on your back with your legs long. If this is uncomfortable, simply bend your knees and bring your feet flat onto the mat. If this still doesn't feel great on your back, place a small towel or sponge under your head and/or lower back. Do what feels good. You should feel relaxed in the beginning to get the most engagement out of the muscles we are targeting. To make this the least confusing, we'll start with your right leg. If your lower back pain is on the right side, ignore me, and start with your left leg instead.
- Level 1:
- Start by hugging your right knee into your chest to stretch out your hip. Lengthen the leg to the ceiling and feel free to keep your knee somewhat bent. This will become your circling leg. You want this leg to remain heavy in your hip socket and relaxed. Remember, the work is in the stabilization of your left leg.
- Stabilize your hips, keeping them equal at all times. If it helps, feel free to rest your hands on your hips so you can feel if they are shifting.
- Keeping your left leg stable, either long or bent knee, circle your right leg. Inhale to drop your right leg across your left leg. Circle your right leg down and exhale to lift it around and up, back towards the ceiling. Pause at the top after each circle to ensure stability and precision. Make sure to keep your left knee pointed towards the ceiling the entire time. This will work your stability in your left oblique, left inner and outer thigh, hamstring and glute. Think about continuously engaging your left side to maintain stability. Only circle as big as you can maintain stability through your standing leg.
- Repeat 4 - 8 circles in each direction.
- Repeat with your left leg circling and your right leg staying stable.
- Level 2:
- Hands behind your head for neck support. Your elbows are inline with your ears (you should see them in your peripheral vision - without looking at them).
- Press your head heavy into your hands activating your biceps and armpits to relax your shoulders. Maintaining a heavy head, exhale to curl up your head, neck and shoulders. If you cannot keep your hips stable with your leg outstretched, simply bend the knee. This WILL NOT make the exercise easier, it will make it accessible to people like me who have tight hips. If all you feel is your hip, it is impossible to feel your lower abdominals and it is impossible to use them correctly. Modification does not always mean easier. I modify all the time for a deeper connection.
- With your head curled up, repeat the single leg circle from level 1 maintaining stability in your standing leg.
- Repeat with both legs circling in both directions 4 - 8 circles, pausing at the top after each circle. Inhale drops the leg, exhale circles it back up to the starting position.
- Level 3: (The most difficult) Make sure to warm up with either level 1 or level 2 prior to attempting level 3.
- Curl up your head, neck and shoulders maintaining a heavy head (same as level 2).
- Now, exhale your left leg to table top (90 degree angle at your knee crease. Your knee is directly over your hip. Your goal is to not move your table top leg.
- Circle your right leg same as in level 1. Your circles may become half circles here.
- For an added challenge, extend your left leg 45 degrees. Keep that leg stable and continue the circles with your right leg. Circle your right leg in both directions, completing 4 - 8 rotations. Repeat circling the left leg and stabilizing the right.
- Exercise 3 - Corkscrew/Windshield Wipers: This is a great exercise for your obliques. It also will force you to stretch your hamstrings. Tight hamstrings are usually a culprit for lower back pain.
- Start by stretching your hamstrings.
- Extend both legs up towards the ceiling. Your heels are over your hips. If this immediately pulls on your lower back, grab onto the back of your thighs for support.
- Keeping your legs as long as possible, exhale to point your toes. Inhale to flex your feet. Repeat 8 - 10 points and flexes alternating between.
- Windshield Wipers:
- If it feels better to bend your knees, bend them. You want to be in a relaxed position to start. If all you feel is your quadriceps, or hips, you're not going to get the most out of your abdominal connection.
- Keep your head and your shoulders stable on the mat. Your hips can wiggle. Extend your arms long. The closer your hands are to the side of your body, the easier the exercise.
- Inhale, dip both legs towards the right side of the room letting your left hip left slightly (careful not to overdo it).
- Exhale, lift both legs back up to center. Repeat on the other side.
- Repeat both sides 4 - 8 times. Always pause in the middle to reset.
- Corkscrew:
- Picture one of the lucky charm purple horseshoes on the ceiling. Notice how the horseshoe always seems to come together at the top. In the picture, the horseshoe is upside down.
- Now, trace the purple marshmallow with your feet. Inhale drop to the right side, letting your left hip lift. Circle your legs down and around. Exhale to lift the legs over towards the left side (right hip lifts slightly) and return them back to center.
- Pause at the top and reverse. Inhale, drop your legs towards the left side (right hip lifts slightly) circle them down (keeping your back heavy and abdominals in - so not too low) and exhale to lift them around the right side (left hip lifts slightly) and back to center.
- Repeat 4 - 8 times in both directions. Make sure to always unwind.
Spandex or Not
Spandex or not; combining Pilates principles and functional movement in a fun easy to follow informative format.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Fix Lower Back Pain with 3 Pilates Exercises
Monday, February 9, 2015
Stretching on a Bench or Chair
Standing Stretches:
- Hamstring Stretch:
- Stand facing your office chair, a park bench, or even a sturdy table. The higher it is, the more flexible you need to be. Even the curb of a sidewalk will work. Just make sure to be careful for oncoming traffic.
- Place one leg onto whatever you are using. Face your leg and stand as tall as you can.
- Make sure to square your hips. The leg that your stretching, that same hip will want to lift. Try to pull it back, or push the other hip forward slightly.
- Stick your butt out as much as possible. It's okay to have a slight arch in your lower back as long as this is comfortable with your body. If you don't feel a stretch bend your standing knee slightly until the stretch intensifies.
- ONLY if you DON'T feel a stretch, hinge forward. Make sure to keep your hips square and your sit bones reaching wide. Your butt stays bootylicious the entire time.
- Hold at least 30 - 60 seconds, pointing and flexing your foot, maintaining alignment.
- Inner Thigh/Lateral/Lower Back Stretch:
- Keeping your leg on your pedestal, simply turn so your shoulder lines up with your stretching leg. Let the stretching leg turn however feel good. Your standing leg will turn to line up with your knee. If your stretching hip hasn't lifted yet, it will. It will also want to drop backwards. Use your stomach to push that hip forward and square off your hips.
- Reach both arms straight up towards the ceiling. Slowly side bend towards your leg. Try to keep your inside hip reaching front. Let your bottom arm drop and rest on your leg for support. Feel this stretch in both your inner thigh and your top side-body. Hold for at least 30 seconds.
- Twist your torso to face your thigh. Both your hands will rest on either side of your leg. Feel this stretch both in your inner thigh and one side of your lower back. Don't worry about your hips here. Simply twist as much as feels good for your body.
- To transition out of this position, reach your top arm overhead, returning to your side stretch. Then, both arms reach up towards the ceiling.
- Quadriceps/Hip Flexor Stretch: You will feel this stretch where you need to feel it. The larger angle in your back knee, the more you'll feel your hip flexor. The shorter the angle, the more you'll feel your quadriceps.
- With your back to the bench/pedestal, rest your toe on the edge. Lean backwards towards the bench keeping your pubic bone reaching up towards your rib cage.
- For a deeper stretch, lean backwards even more and try to bring your knees together and your hands onto the bench. If your hands can't reach the bench comfortable, place them on your hips instead, maintaining stability through your hips.
- To make the stretch even deeper, bend your front knee slightly (like a lunge). Make sure to keep your front knee behind your toe at all times.
- Hold at least 30 seconds.
- Figure 4 or Piriformis Stretch:
- Sit on a bench/chair with your legs hip width apart and your feet slightly turned out.
- Cross one ankle over your opposite thigh. Flex the foot before you cross the leg into the shape of a 4. This will protect your knee.
- Press extra weight into your standing leg and push your crossed knee towards the floor. Make sure to sit up nice and tall, sticking your butt backwards.
- If you want to make the stretch deeper, hinge forward, leaning towards your figure 4.
- Lower Back/Inner thigh stretch:
- Sit with your legs wider than your hips and your feet turned out.
- Slowly roll yourself down one vertebrae at a time until your hands are both resting on the floor in the center of your legs. Let your whole body hang.
- Hold for at least 30 seconds. Roll up to a seated position one vertebrae at a time using your abdominals.
- QL Variation: (Your QL, or quadratus lumborum, is on both sides of your lower back.)
- Start the same as the lower back/Inner thigh stretch. Roll yourself down until both hands are resting on the floor.
- Reach both hands towards your right foot.
- Take your right hand and reach it up towards the ceiling, looking at your hand as you push your left hand into the floor.
- Hold for at least 30 seconds.
- Return both hands to the floor and repeat on the left side.
- Return to center and use your abdominals to slowly roll yourself up one vertebrae at a time, until you are back in a seated posture.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Pilates At Home
You will need:
- Small Towel or Sponge
- 2 Yoga Blocks or Pillows
- Low Table or Chair
- Mat/Blanket/Towel to lay on
1. Half Roll Downs:
Start by engaging the stomach as best you can. Hands are on your knees. Exhale with a deep "ha" breath to roll down (just enough to feel your stomach, not your back). Inhale rolls you back up. Think about sitting taller each time. Every time you exhale, think about pulling your belly button (or kegel/pelvic floor) up to the back of your bra strap. Repeat 4 - 8 X.
2. Full Roll Downs:
Keeping the hands behind the thighs, slowly roll yourself down all the way until you are lying on the mat. Feel free to keep a pillow or sponge behind your head for neck support. Once you roll all the way down, use an exhale to nod the chin, and slowly roll up. Climb up the back of your thighs with your hands to deepen the connection. Try to feel each vertebrae coming up and down one at a time. Repeat 4 1/2 X. The 1/2 will be simply rolling down and staying there. Make sure to make your movements as low and controlled as possible.
Clasp the hands behind the head and push your head into your hands. Your elbows should be visible in your peripheral vision (while seeing your knees). Push your head back into your hands even before you curl up. You want to activate your biceps and armpits to support the neck. Keeping your head heavy, use a "ha" breath to curl up. Inhale, lower down one inch,; exhale, curl up again. Repeat 8 X.
4. Marching: (This can work with the head neck and shoulders curled up or lying on the mat with your head supported.)
Exhale with a "ha" breath to float one leg at a time to table top. Alternate sides without shifting your hips. Try to maintain length in your spine. If you feel your low back, simply place a small towel underneath for support. Repeat at least 4 X for each leg.
5. Single Leg Circles: (This works with the head up or down as well.)
Exhale one knee into table top. Start with your heel towards your bum ("droopy" table top). Your other foot is still flat with the knee up. Keep your standing leg stable. Pretending you have a pencil coming out of the top of your knee, circle the leg in table top 8 X each direction maintaining stability in the standing leg. Think of engaging all the muscles in the standing leg to stop any wiggling of that knee. For an added challenge, extend the leg in table top towards the ceiling. Make sure to keep the circling leg heavy in the hip socket.
STRETCH!!! Hug both knees into the chest and do small circles in both directions to release your lower back. Feel free to rock side to side, and simply do whatever feels good.
6. Lower and Lift: (Head up or down).
Place a rolled up towel under your lower back for support. Also feel free to place a pillow under your head, if you are not curling up the head neck and shoulders as in step #3. Keeping your back completely flat on the mat, float both legs to "droopy" table top. Think pubic bone up to the ceiling. Inhale, lower your legs a micro movement maintaining stability in your pelvis. Exhale, lift the legs back to your chest. If you feel anything in your knees or back, stop immediately. Remember to listen to your body. You are your best judge if something will work for you. Repeat up to 8 X but careful not to overdo.
7. Bridging:
Feet are one footprint from your bum, in line with your sit bones (a little closer to the middle than your hips). Exhale, your that "ha" breath to push your lower back into the mat to lift just the bum up. Continue exhaling to lift one vertebrae at a time, keeping the back ribs heavy. At the top, take an inhale, feeling your knees reaching over your toes and your heels pulling backwards. Exhale start to melt your ribs down, than the middle back, the lower back, and finally melt back to neutral. Inhale at the bottom before you exhale to repeat. Make sure to feel your stomach, your legs and your bum working. Repeat 4 - 8 X. To increase difficulty, add marching in your bridging. Feel free to turn out your feet if this feels better on your knees.
Keeping your hips steady, exhale lift one heel off the mat at a time. Feel free to lift the foot off the mat as well for a deeper connection. You should feel this in the hamstring (back of the leg) and outer thigh of the standing leg.
Repeat 4-8 X each leg.
STRETCH!!!!! Lift one leg at a time straight up towards the ceiling holding onto the back of your thigh. Point and flex your foot releasing the hamstring. Hold for at least 30 seconds. Point and flex at least 10 times.
Reach your arms out in front of you. Your palms face in. Make sure your arms remain lower than your shoulders at all times. If you have shoulder issues, keep the arms lower than the bottom of your bra area. Reach through your armpit to extend your top arm out, past your bottom arm, keeping both arms below your chest at all times. While watching your hand, draw a big arc across your body, reaching your hand and rotating your torso to the back of the room. Your palm will now face up at the end of the rainbow. To return to start, simply retrace the same rainbow and bring both your hands back together again, palms face in. Careful not to let the arm lift too high. Repeat 4 - 8 X on both sides.
9. Pinwheel Arms:
Your hands now separate. Keep your bottom palm up and on the mat. The top arm hovers in line with your shoulder. Watching your hand the entire time, circle your arm like a pinwheel. Bring it down towards your hip (palm down). The palm reaches up as it circles to the back of the room. Your palm rotates down when it comes up and over head. Then simply return to starting position. Repeat 4 X in each direction being careful to only go as big as feels good for your body. Repeat on the other side as well.
10. Side Leg Work:
Remove the block from between your knees and extend your top leg to the front corner of the mat. Take the bottom arm and hug your pillow/block. The top arm either pushes into the mat in line with your waistline, or squishes underneath to remind you to keep your abs engaged. Feel free to move this hand to your hips as well. You want to make sure your shoulders and hips stay stacked, and your waistline stays lifted.
Feel free to bend your top leg as much as necessary to keep the work in your outer thigh and not in your hip joint.
- Lift and lower your top leg 8 X keeping the movement very small. Your leg will never lift higher than your hip.
- Circle your top leg. Remember, this is coming from the leg, not the ankle. Repeat 8 X in each direction.
- Bend and Stretch. Bend your knee into table top keeping your knee and ankle in line with your top hip. Feel like you are pulling something in with your thigh, and pressing something away with your heel as you extend the leg. Move slowly with control. If you feel anything in your knee, stop immediately. Repeat 4 - 8 X. Repeat on the other side.
Bring both knees back to fetal position. Thighs are ninety degrees in line with your hips, and shins and feet are at the front of the mat. Keeping your heels together, lift both heels up rotating onto your knees. Keeping the heels together, open a close your top leg. Repeat 8 X.
STRETCH!!!! Cross one ankle over your opposite thigh, creating a figure four with your legs. DIve through the hole and grab onto your thigh that you didn't just cross. Push your crossed knee away from you and put extra weight onto the leg you're holding onto. This is an amazing "figure four" stretch for your piriformis muscle (back of the hip). For tight hips, this may not be possible yet. In which case, simply keep your foot on the mat instead of pulling it towards your chest. Press the knee of your crossed leg away from you and put extra weight onto your standing leg. For super flexible hips, make sure the knees stay crossed and pull them so tight that the hole between disappears. Grab onto your ankles and pull them apart for an even deeper stretch.
Inhale to round your lower back, wheeling your hips up towards the ceiling. Look down. Try to initiate this movement through your lower body. Exhale to arch your lower back just slightly looking up towards the ceiling. Try to keep your abdominals engaged the entire time. Repeat 4 - 8 X.
13. Basket Stretch:
Slowly, lower your head to the mat, reaching one arm across your opposite thigh. Make sure to reach the arm back and turn your head in the direction of your arm. This will stretch your shoulders and your upper back. Hold for 30 - 60 seconds.
14. Wag the Tail:
Keeping your shoulders stable, pivot on your knee, bringing your foot side to side. Do this keeping your back stable to start. When you are ready for a deeper stretch, watch the leg by turning your head and upper body side to side. Keep your knee on the mat at all times. Repeat on both sides 4 - 8 X with and without rotation.
15. Plank Prep: (Make sure you have sticky socks or are on a surface that isn't slippery.)
Staying in your table position. Your back is comfortable somewhere in the middle between your cat/cow position. Hands are under your shoulders. Knees are under your hips. When you are ready, tuck your toes under and float both knees off of the mat. The lower you keep your knees, the harder the exercise. Hover for 8 counts. Repeat 4 X.
STRETCH!!!! Do a Child's Pose. Keep your knees wide, and your feet together. Sit back towards your heels and reach your arms in front of you. Reach both arms to one side sinking into your opposite hip. Repeat on the other side. Hold for at least 30 seconds.
16. Scapula Glides:
Now, no matter what, your forearms are resting on a table or chair. The lower the better. Either way, you want to try to keep your back flat and stable. Your abs stay engaged. Keeping your elbows and shoulders in line. Your palms are flat on the table/chair in line with your shoulders. Gently allow your chest to drop, depressing your shoulders. Using your armpit muscles, gently lift your shoulders up, opening your back nice and wide. Repeat 8 X.
17. Full Plank:
Keeping your back and chest wide, extend one toe at a time into a full plank position. Your legs are straight, your hips are up and your glutes are engaged. Tuck your tail under to support your lower back. Keep your armpits almost hugging together to give you a deeper lift through the shoulders. The higher your arms are, the harder this becomes. Eventually, try to do this with your forearms on the mat. Make sure you work up to this position slowly and continue to feel your abdominals the entire time. If you are only feeling your shoulders, your upper body is too low. Hold for 10 - 60 seconds. If you feel your lower back, stop immediately. Repeat 4 X.
STRETCH!!! Repeat Child's Pose from above.
18. Tricep Dips:
Sit off the edge of a bench or table. Make sure your feet are on on the floor, in front of your hips and that your shoulders stay down. Push your hips forward supporting yourself with your armpits and lower abdominals. Slowly bend your elbows keeping your shoulders down), and slowly lift back up. Make sure your elbows don't lock at the top and that your shoulders don't lift throughout the exercise. You should feel this in the back of the upper arm and armpits. Repeat 2 sets of 10 reps.
STRETCH!!! In a sitting, or standing position, reach one arm up towards the ceiling. Bend your elbow, palm faces forward. Reach to the small of your back. Take your other arm up keeping and cross bend at your elbow crossing your wrists over each other. Reach both arms down. Reverse by bringing your other arm up first. Hold for at least 30 seconds.
19. Modified Swan:
Lay on your stomach with your fingertips together on your forehead. Your palms are down on the floor. Draw your stomach away from your mat, lengthening your lower back. Your pubic bone will push slightly into the mat. If you feel your lower back, place a pillow or sponge under your belly button.
Keeping your shoulders back, push your hands into the mat lifting your head slightly off your hands. Make sure to keep looking down the entire time. You want to maintain a long neck. Think no wrinkles.
STRETCH!!! Repeat Child's Pose from above.
20. Standing Roll Down:
Stand with your back to a wall. Make sure you are not too close. The closer you get, the harder the exercise. If you feel like you are going to fall forwards, you are doing this perfectly! Please don't fall.
Your feet are under your sit bones. Make sure your knees stay soft the entire time, bending as much as you need so your hamstrings and back aren't stressed. Keeping your hips and your knees stacked, feel yourself lengthening up to roll down. Simply nod the chin as if you are holding onto a grapefruit between your chin and chest. Let your arms hang forwards like dead weight. Let your shoulders start to roll forward. Then let your ribs continue the articulation. Roll down as low as you can without shifting your hips off your ankles. At the bottom simply hang. Bend the knees as much as possible to feel your weight equal on all four corners of your feet. You want to feel both your big toe, your baby toe and both sides of your heels pushing into the floor. Start to stack your spine up one vertebrae at a time. Slowly lift your waist over your hips, your ribs over your hips, your shoulders over your hips and lastly lift your chin from your chest. Repeat 4 X. Feel free to stretch the neck at the bottom, letting your head hang. Shake your head slowly and lazily.
STRETCH!!! Both arms reach up towards the ceiling. Stretch both arms to one side, than to the other. Then reach as far back as feels good for you. Separate your arms and breath in, opening the arms East to West up towards the ceiling (or as high as feels good). Exhale and open the arms wide.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Myofascial Release and Hydration
Every time you go to a massage therapist, they give you water after the session. Ever wonder why?
It's to help keep your fascia hydrated so your muscles stay loose and don't lock up again. Fascia is basically the negative space in your body. It's everywhere! Around each individual muscle spindle, around each muscle cluster, your skin and so much more. You may have heard, "The average adult human body is 50-65% water, averaging around 57-60%." You also know gravity makes things fall down. So, what's holding the water up? It's your fascia. When your fascia tightens, it dehydrates causing the space between our muscles to tighten. This is why massage and myofascial release (like foam rolling or the lovely and wonderful stick) are so important. But it's even more important to hydrate after.![]() |
The Stick Self Roller Massager |
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Foam Roller |
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Playlist November Barre Week 1
Moonlight vs Azoto - San Salvador: http://youtu.be/YFluFWoVhvc
lisa shaw - let it ride (jimpster main vocal): http://youtu.be/RnrRoev9lmE
"Rather Be" Clean Bandit
Roy Davis Jr. - If You Wanna (Original mix): http://youtu.be/J-5GRDznApQ
"U Make Me Wanna" by Eddie Amador & Kimberly Cole…: http://youtu.be/XyxJZ7LEsig
KARA - STEP: http://youtu.be/zYoYoBtLqOY
"Mmm Yeah" Austin Mahone ft Pitbull
"Black Widow" Iggy Azalea & Rita Ora
The Magician - Sunlight feat. Years & Years (Offi…: http://youtu.be/TFXlWfzW9Uo
Get Lucky - Daft Punk
Christina Milian - Dip It Low: http://youtu.be/5z5Mvyp1QHw
Love Me Again - John Newman
Jill Scott "Hate On Me": http://youtu.be/Qw3Z8Oa7E3Y
Monday, September 22, 2014
Barre Playlist Last Week of September
One More Chance, Bloc Party
And The Beat Goes On, The Whispers
Shake it to the Ground, Rye Rye, Young and Company & DJ Blaq Starr
Sing, Ed Sheeran
Street Life, Randy Crawford and the Crusaders
Showgirls, Bluey Robinson
And You Don't Stop, Kelly Price
San Salvador, Moonlight vs. Azoto
Imagine, Shola Ama (Asylum Remix)
All For Love, Color Me Badd
Mr. Loverman, Shabba Ranks
Movin' Too Fast, Artful Dodger
Closer, Goapple
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Barre Playlist 9/10
Do My Thing, Estelle ft. Janelle Monae
Get Your Money, Will.I.Am
Girls Like Us, B 15 Project ft. Chrissy D (Artful Dodger Remix)
Legs, Chuck Inglish
And You Don't Stop, Kelly Price
Boom Boom Pow, Black Eyed Peas
Roly Poly, TARA
Where You Are, Cali Swag District ft. Michael Jackson
Erotic City, George Clinton
San Salvador, Moonlight vs. Azoto
Theme From S'Express, S' Express
Don't Call Me Baby, Madison Avenue
Stay With Me, Sam Smith