Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jumping Jelly Beans - wait, how many calories is that?

I was just thinking about how much we have food in every day phrases, and just thinking about this concept started to make me hungry. How many calories are in jumping jelly beans? Answer is as many as you put in. That got me thinking about how many other cute catch phrases are food related. Just a few to get started:

"How about them apples" yum, totally makes me want to go apple picking and make apple pie. Definitely a lot of calories there...

"Want any cheese with that whine" - Um yes, actually I do, and I'd like a glass of red wine to go along with that cheese thank you. Goat cheese please, since I am allergic to cows milk, plus, I think there may be less calories.

"Kill two birds with one stone" - why stop at two, let's just kill three birds and have fried Turducken...yum.

"When Pigs Fly" it will rain bacon, ham and sausage links... Everyone else will get the calories there since I don't eat pork - too cute.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch" - just make eggs! Over easy is relatively healthy, or boiled is always good. Maybe even have an omelette, then you can add veggies and be really healthy! Just be careful, they can also be used to make mayo and meringues.

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket" unless it's Easter and then by all means put them all in my basket and make them Cadbury style!

"Get your Ducks in a Row" gladly, medium rare preferably breasts with a nice creamy red wine reduction. Or even better, fois gras....

"Busy Busy like a Bee" - and honey is amazing so keep on truckin'. Eat it raw, drink it with your tea, or even better... baklava!

"If life deals you lemons, make lemonade!" Or just make tons of lemonade, with lots of sugar. Why stop there, add strawberries, pomegranate and rasberry. Fruit is healthy or is sugar just empty calories...?

"Like a fish out of water" or on my plate. Protein!

Add more through the awesome world of comments! Thank you.

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