Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pilates Success Story - From pain to normal

I was a gymnast and was diagnosed with RSD, reflexive sympathetic dystrophy at age 14. I was hospitalized and told I would never be active again in gymnastics or any other extreme high impact sport.

At 16 I took my first mat Pilates class from a fitness show at 3am on TV. I did everything wrong, but got a great work out and loved all the core strengthening. At 18, I went to my first real Pilates class in Boulder CO. It was amazing! I completely fell in love. It wasn't until then that I realized all the similarities between my gymnastics conditioning programs. The only difference, was the new sit-ups, crunches and swans were slow, controlled and methodical. there was a reason for each exercise.

The more I practiced the less pain I felt in my joints and extremities. In high-school, I had started to get into break dancing, but kept hurting myself due to the RSD, now known as chronic pain syndrome. What was crazy, the more I did Pilates, the less I hurt myself in dance. However, I was only doing mat Pilates and had still not addressed the most serious of my issues, my ankles.

At 24 I started working at the Commonwealth Sports Club. They had these crazy machines we had just bought called Pilates reformers. At the time, I had no clue about Joseph Pilates and his inventions. The reformer was Joe's last invention he developed after immigrating to NYC. He happened to live right next to the New York Ballet. This is what he used to rehabilitate all the dancers in his home.

Like most people, I felt nothing during my first session. I couldn't figure out the rib hip connection, I couldn't isolate my abs and I basically couldn't do anything right. As a good instructor, Maria encouraged me with positive feedback, and scheduled me for a second session to try it again. This time, something clicked. It worked! I felt longer, stronger and could really feel the difference in my ankle stability, the area where I'm the weakest.

I ended up purchasing my first package and was hooked ever since. At one point I had to take a break due to financial reasons. As soon as I did this, I got hurt and the RSD flared up. This is when I truly understood the importance of Pilates.

I am now a Pilates instructor at the Commonwealth Sports Club and another studio closer to where I live. I practice Pilates regularly and have hurt myself within this time (being stupid - I tripped and sprained my ankle and break dancing I dislocated my collar bone). The craziest thing happened. Neither injuries caused me to have a flare up. I associate 100% of my success to Pilates reformer and my Pilates training. Knowing how to engage my muscles, working my ankle stability with footwork and my scapular stability with arm work has given me the tools to stay injury free, or RSD free. I continue to dance and work out, living an active high impact lifestyle. At the age of 28, I'm in the best shape of my life and practice Pilates regularly.

I recommend Pilates to everyone. I even work with my mother who has scoliosis, planters fascitis and tons of other structural mis-alignments. Pilates has helped her control these issues and has made her daily life easier. By working your smaller stabilizing muscles, Pilates will align your spine in a way that your body will maintain this alignment (unlike chiropractics). If you haven't yet tried Pilates, definitely give it a shot, and comment on how Pilates has helped you in your daily life.

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